I stand witness to the evolution of Abraham’s message over the years. The message has not changed – it has evolved in it’s clarity and specificity. Abraham continues to find analogies that will depict the concept of the Law of Attraction. The varied ways in which Abraham offer their teachings is meant to resonate with a varied set of people, therefore increasing the circumference of those who are able to grasp and understand the message. ~ Zehra
A sample from the bookFalling from an aircraft without a parachute
(Page 29) Sometimes a negative situation continues to get worse, because we are unable to shift our focus from the way things are – so that it gets to a point where things come to a head and there is no turning back. It’s like falling out of an air craft without a parachute – there is no way to get back into the air craft and turn things around, we just have to wait for the fall to be over. All we can do is to soften the impact, and we do that by shifting our thoughts. As Abraham often says “don’t worry, it will be over soon”. You have to allow the momentum of the situation to run out before you can start again. An example would be someone who ignores their health to an extent where they finally have a heart attack – they can’t undo that, but if they have improved their vibration to some degree (by focusing on watching comedy programs or other things that are fun to think about), it may not be as severe an event - they might be in a train with a doctor sitting right next to them, or they might be right outside the hospital when the pain starts (all examples of softening the impact of the fall). Abraham says that the futility of the situation actually can be the impetus that makes people give up their resistance. And soon as they give up the resistance, things change. The example Abraham often uses is that of people who have been given the verdict of terminal illness. Some of them, when they receive the verdict give up worrying and fussing about all the things that they were used to worry and fuss about and instead focus on making the most of their time – they focus on the positive side of things and this shift in focus brings about the cure. |
Table of Contents
Introduction 1 The Basic Tenants of the Law of Attraction 3 Manifesting, Resistance and Beliefs 4 Three Steps to Manifesting 5 Rockets of Desire 6 Like attracts like 7 Thought forms and Creations: Vibrational Reality 7 Energy, rivers of thought and thought forms 9 Contrast 9 What is Source, Who is God? 10 Alignment 13 Inner-being 14 The Leading Edge of Creation 15 The Purpose of life and Expansion of the Universe 15 There is no death – you are alive and alive 16 Past Life Regression 17 The Vortex 17 The Spinning Grid Discs and Momentum 20 17 Seconds to Creation 22 Co-creation 22 Power of Influence 23 The Stream 24 The Two Ends of a Stick 25 Hitting a tree at 5 miles an hour 26 Your navigation system is like Magellan 27 Tuning in to a radio station 27 The power of focus and the food buffet 28 Falling from an aircraft without a parachute 29 Laying new pipes 30 Pre-paving and Segment Intending 32 The Book of Positive Aspects 33 Focus Wheels 35 Meditation 37 Parting words 38 |