ZEHRA is the author of 15 books on various aspects of the Law of Attraction. A description of some of her most popular titles is given below. Please visit her author page on Amazon for a complete list of titles.
The UNLIMITED - 40 Day Law of Attraction Workbook is the starting point for learning how to apply the Law of Attraction in daily life. Purchase of the workbook gives you access to a free video course that accompanies the workbook as well as admission to Zehra's private Facebook Group where the workbook is taught in live sessions daily. Click the link below to purchase.
THRIVE is a unique book, containing 42 of Zehra's signature diagrams that illustrate how the Law of Attraction works, making it easy to understand and apply. The book contains Zehra's proprietary method for revealing and shifting negative beliefs, and removing the energetic blockages that might be getting in your way.
MANIFESTING MISTAKES is an inventory of the most common mistakes Zehra has see people making in their use of the Law of Attraction which keep them from manifesting the things they want. The book contains a detailed explanation of how to turn these around with suggested exercises and strategies. This book is a must for anyone who feels stuck.
PROSPERITY PUZZLE is the result of Zehra's personal journey with respect to money and wealth creation. The books contains a quiz to determine where you stand in your relationship with money and exercises to shift your beliefs about money to create an abundant thinking.
Law of Attraction is God/Source's system for granting wishes. It is exact, absolutely fair and based on the science of physics. This book helps us to understand how prayer works. In Zehra's words "every thought is a prayer, and God is not a selective listener".
PEACE WITHIN is a book that makes it easy to understand mindfulness and meditation. Explaining that the rituals often used are unnecessary and that meditation can be easy once you take away the rituals and focus on the main objective of clearing your channel of communication with the Universe of all the clutter in your mind that is blocking it.
MANIFESTING MIRACLES is a book of short stories illustrating manifesting success. The stories are contributed by members of Zehra's online communities and each story is accompanied with a note that explains the Law of Attraction principles involved in created the manifestation. All royalties from this book in all its formats are donated to The Boundless School, an Ontario based charity.
There is too much crap on the internet about the Law of Attraction. Everyone seems to be an expert. These so called experts are doing more damage than good because they are leaving out essential concepts that you need to understand in order to get consistent positive results with the Law of Attraction. The 16 Fundamental Principles Course is a short course with two hours of video content, that you can access at your own pace. Find out more below.
Interact with Zehra in a live setting as she teaches a cycle of the Unlimited - 40 Day Manifesting Workbook (a new cycle starts every 43 days). This is a FREE program, your investment is in the one time purchase of the workbook, after which you can attend Unlimited 40 day cycles!
THE HEART & MIND ALIGNMENT METHOD is a four week, self-paced, intensive course that will give you the tools you need to reprogram your subconscious mind and replace negative beliefs with positive ones. Zehra's personal observation is that you cannot bypass the conscious mind in order to reprogram the subconscious mind. In her words "the conscious mind is the doorman to the subconscious". This explains why hypnosis and NLP based techniques work for some people but not all people. Find out more about this groundbreaking course below.
Prepare to have your mind blown with The SCIENCE OF SPIRITUALITY course. This course covers the following topics: Basic premise in Law of Attraction about the nature of Reality. Classical Physics understanding of matter, energy and time
Basic premise in Quantum Physics about the nature of Reality. Quantum Physics understanding of matter, energy and time The Science & Spirituality overlap. What does this mean for our lives and manifesting? LOSE IT! Law of Attraction Solutions to Unwanted Weight Gain, is a FREE webinar recording, followed by an invitation to join Drop it! a 10 week food freedom course that involves shifting your beliefs about health and an emotional reprogramming to deal with the real cause of weight gain. This program is for women only, and includes pre-recorded course materials combined with live weekly Q&A calls.
The INTUITIVE PARENTING PORTAL is for parents who want to incorporate the Law of Attraction into their parenting practice. The portal consists of short courses that answer specific questions pertaining to parenting situations for different age groups on a wide variety of subject areas.
There are six stages in the journey towards manifesting mastery. Where are you in this journey. Click on the link below to find out.
The group coaching program includes Zoom group calls and daily live teaching sessions on Facebook, to help accelerate manifesting and deepen your knowledge of the Law of Attraction. ZEHRA only takes on TWO one-on-one coaching clients per month. Please inquire as to availability via email.
Coaching packages are available and information about these is typically provided at the consultation, and will not be provided via email. One-on-one coaching accelerates your understanding and progress towards your goals. If you are ready to make a commitment towards investing in yourself to improve your future, fill out the form to request consideration for the one-on-one coaching program. ALIGNMENT COACHING CERTIFICATION is for those individuals who are interested in helping others to find answers and solutions to improve their lives using the Law of Attraction. Class size is limited to 6 participants who received direct instruction from Zehra in the form of pre-recorded course material as well as live Q&A sessions. Training covers how to conduct coaching, the business tools, and practical coaching hours. Participants graduate with a website, social media assets and a published book.