I love Owen Fox; his bright eyes and big smile are always up-lifting. Owen has been a long time listener of Abraham’s teachings and has communicated often with me through my YouTube channel. Sometime starting in April Owen and I engaged in a conversation about food. As he is in the wellness industry, he is quite passionate about wanting to learn the best way to look at food and health.
With Owen’s permission, I am reproducing our conversation here so that it may benefit others who have the same or similar questions come up for them, and to help add clarity with respect to food, based on Abraham’s teachings. I have added more clarity to our dialogue in places to improve it’s presentation. The basic premise from which we started our conversation is that “belief” is the cause of everything that happens in our lives. Some of the questions that Owen asked me were: 1) If someone eats a food that they are allergic to even though they did not know that it was in the food, then the vibration of the allergy should not be active so why did they become sick because of it? 2) Foods have their own vibration, and therefore some foods are bad for us, how can we categorize foods as good and bad based on this fact? 3) Eating raw foods and whole foods is the right way to eat for us all - so why doesn't Abraham lay this guideline for us all? 4) Impulses to eat come not only from our intelligent bodies but also due to the addictive chemicals contained in processed foods - so how can Abraham say that it is only our vibration that affects our bodies? 5) Why do people who are teachers of the law of attraction make poor food choices and get sick? Of course, this does not cover all aspects of food and it's relationship with us, but I think this was an excellent start. I want to thank Owen for asking such wonderful questions, and allowing me to go deep within connecting with Abraham for the answers. Much love and appreciation for all, Zehra ![]()
Owen Fox:
Love Abe as you know zmahoon, but what about people getting poisoned or sick from stuff like bleach, when they had no belief about it prior, for eg, someone young, or an adult consuming something they didn’t even know. My point is that even without having a belief, regardless, physical things have an effect on us, be it candy full of sugar and preservatives, or else fresh fruit from our tree, or bleach! I still don’t see how Abe can say it’s the vibration and belief, not the thing (as well). Of course, I know it’s the mix of the vibration we are in when we eat, and our belief, but I see ways around this simple statement that it’s our belief and vibration ALONE. Another thing is, we believe we're getting something delicious and gluten free and dairy free, turns out they made a mistake and nobody knew there was wheat and milk in the delightful dessert! We all know people who without having an upset vibration or belief, have gotten sick from this type of thing. Please share your opinion on this zmahoon, would love to hear your insights and thoughts about this. Is Abe just trying to emphasize the importance of vibration, thoughts and beliefs, or do they truly literally mean, there’s nothing to do with the constitution of the food (as they've said in other video about the bleach etc, that u can only take it so far) as long as ones vibe is in order? thanks, and lots of love and appreciation, love all of Abe’s videos, and they’ve helped me enormously, including about having harmony with food and diet much more too :) Owen
We all grow up with beliefs, and when we say "yes" to other people's opinions we keep adding to our beliefs - there is no one living who is that pure in thought that they have 100% control all the time and have not absorbed any negative beliefs during the course of their life and it is not meant to be that way either, because if it were so we would never choose to come into this world as there would be no contrast. Soon as a baby is born it starts collecting data from it’s environment and creating beliefs about it. For example, a baby learns that when she cries an adult appears, this is cause and effect. The baby can choose to believe that crying makes the adult appear or the baby can choose to believe that she is loved and all her needs are taken care of without any need for crying – yes, even at that stage we are already making choices, and therefore creating and accumulating beliefs. People absorb beliefs from the people around them and their environment without intentionality and without awareness. For example, when you are having a conversation with someone and they say “I can’t sleep when I have coffee late at night”, what thoughts do you think, and what do you say? If you say, “Oh! That’s too bad, I’ve heard of other people who say that too” then with those words you are accepting this statement to be true and it has planted the seed of a belief in you. And now because you have given this your attention the powerful law of attraction will bring you more instances to confirm that caffeine effects sleep. More people will mention it in your presence, you might hear about it on TV or radio, or read an article about it – somehow it will repeat in your presence. When that happens, you have a choice, you can say “Oh look more evidence that this is true – I guess it must be true”. If you did this you would be watering that seed that was planted and with each exposure to more information and each time you say “yes” that seed grows until it turns in a great big tree right in the center of your path to good quality sleep. Or you could say to your friend “Oh! That’s too bad, coffee doesn’t bother me at all – I can have a great big mug of coffee and go straight to bed and sleep like a baby. Maybe this caffeine thing you have going on is just temporary – sometimes these things go away you know”. And then you change the subject. Now in this instance you have consciously not accepted the belief, you have countered it, and the universe will bring you more evidence to confirm this. In addition, you have actually helped to soften the resistance your friend is feeling by telling them that “these things go away”. If your friend were willing to and if they were making conscious choices then they would agree with your statement and it would be a turning point for them –the universe would help their new focus by bringing them more evidence, and so on. See how easy it is for negative beliefs to take hold? Most people live their lives not having any idea what they have said yes to along the way. That is why when something seemingly unconnected happens they wonder, how come? They have no recollection that at some point they had said “yes” to the belief and planted the seed. Once these negative beliefs are planted, they become weak spots, and as you accumulate resistance on any subject in your life, it finds a way to release the pressure you feel as a result through the weak spot. There is a complete discussion on these weak spots and how they turn into the “crack of least resistance” in the free book “If thoughts create then….”. Let me explain further. Imagine a water hose. If there is a kink in the hose, the water cannot make it’s way to the sprinkler when the faucet is opened. The water pressure builds and builds and build, until water starts sprouting from all the weak spots in the hose. That is exactly what happens to us humans. When we misuse our brains creating negative visualizations that give rise to worry and fear, we have resistance building up pressure inside our bodies. Our bodies have to release the pressure in order to continue functioning as best as they can, and to restore balance within the chemical factory within, and so the pressure is released through a weak spot that was created in our system through our beliefs. Now, going back to your examples of people consuming food that was harmful to them without knowing – two things happen when a situation like this manifests: first, the weak spot exists, second, the person has accumulated resistance inside them, which means that they are at a low place on the emotional scale – they are less than happy. When you live your life at a higher level on the emotional scale then you are vibrationally so far away from the vibration of a negative incident that it cannot possibly line up with you. As Abraham has said, someone who is living life in Step 4, would never think of consuming bleach because their vibration would never line-up with that action. Someone living in Step 4, would never consume a food substance that was going to be harmful to them, because they just wouldn’t “feel” like it. Their feelings would guide them away from that food at that time so that the possibility of them ingesting it at that time simply does not exist. That is why, all we ever have to focus on is managing our vibration and living our lives in Step 4. It has been fun talking to you - and I can feel that you are one who has high energy. Much love and appreciation, Zehra
Owen fox 4 days ago • Abraham Hicks ~ Guilty about eating cookies
This has truly been a BRILLIANT answer for This man.. Maybe Abraham’s intention was to answer this man’s specific vibration and to soothe him? Cause Abe even said in this video that animals usually make decisions from the vortex, but humans don’t (as in also food choices). Often impulses are causes not just from intelligent body design as Abraham beautifully puts forth, but also from addictive qualities of food, and things like white sugar, table salt, preservatives, MSG etc, aspartame. Many things are deliberately made to interfere with our bodies natural intelligence, and for us to crave more, and thus manufacturers make more money. Not dissin Abe, love them, but isn’t there more to this than simply it's your bodies great intelligence wanting you to have more cookies... :) haha... Totally agree with not beating up on ourselves though, and lining up/accepting and becoming good decent to good on our already made decisions that we cannot change, and thus then empower ourselves from the vortex to make decisions that only enhance our lives more in the future! P.S Brilliant wisdom in the video. Love it all ;) P.S sorry not trying to be a spoke in your wheel here Zehra. TY & lots of love and appreciation - Owen ~ XX.
Hot Seater: “I feel good when I eat the cookie Abraham, but later I feel guilty about it.” Abraham: "Does your body like the cookie as much as you do?" I think that this is the best question Abraham has given us about the subject of food. Most of us eat only what our taste buds like - but if we would just ask the the question - how does my body feel about this food, then we would receive guidance from within. If you ask your body, is this food good for me? Your body will respond and you will feel the response. You can also ask things like, will my body feel good if I have a second helping? and your body will tell you again. It is easy to do, all we have to do is to ask the question and then wait to hear the answer. Many people can relate to it in terms of consuming alcoholic drinks - they know when they have reached their personal limit, and yet many times they cross the limit. The importance of listening and following the guidance is that if you ignore the guidance then over a period of time you lose that link and that's when trouble starts brewing - that's how addictions are created, that's how poor choices are made - and not just with food, with everything. And that is how addictions are created. When you make a poor choice, you feel bad, and when you feel bad you accumulate resistance and when you accumulate resistance you are on lower place on the emotional scale – certainly you are not in the vortex, and when you are not in the vortex, the things in the vortex cannot come to you – your lower vibration will be matched up with things that are of the same vibration, and in the case of food you will be matched up with food that is of a lower vibration and contains all those chemicals that are not good for your physical body. Then you look at it any focus on it and acknowledge that you ate something that was not good for you so you accumulate more resistance making the problem bigger and creating more momentum. That momentum is the addiction. An addiction is a habit with really high momentum – that is all there is to it. Some people are addicted to a 5km run in the morning, just like some people are addicted to a cigarette in the morning – both are habits with momentum because you have focused your thought there and practised it often. Addictions have nothing to do with the chemical content of the food – because if you lived your life in Step 4, your vibration would never match up with the lower vibration of food that was not good for you. Ultimately your vibration is the perfect filtration system. Vibrate high and all good things come to you, vibrate low and not so good things match-up with you. This is true every time – as Abraham says – “it is law”.
Owen Fox:
In a video today , I heard Abraham say that they want to encourage people not to focus the emphasis on the physical, but on the vibration. would make sense that they don’t like to give food/diet (emphasis) suggestions or tips, other than emphasize the importance of our vibration during , before and after. I still know physical (food included) has its power, but the emphasis as Abraham themselves say, they want to steer us away from physical emphasis, but onto the energetic alignment regards the subject instead, and then maybe our choices (including food) will be determined by that. I think realizing these snippets are to specific people with tension and disjointed energy surrounding food, made me realize they want to soothe them largely, and totally as they said themselves, get the person to start emphasizing their energy and vibration above all else. and as they said in other vids, we may improve our vibration, eat a big mac, feel unwell, then learn through the contrast to move onto something different, rather than be oblivious to the big macs effects simply by eating it in gratitude, not that eating in greater alignment doesn’t enhance things greatly. this is just my collections and musings for the moment, available to change, but I feel I’ve drawn close to figuring all this out, what didn’t make a great deal of sense to me before. sharing with u cause i thought you’d appreciate it. Blessings, awesomeness & fun –
I think you are on the right track. This is exactly why there is no one right way to eat - because we all have to make decisions based on where we are vibrationally. I have to add just one little thing: when you are on a high flying disc you will never feel the impulse to eat a Big Mac, or anything else that you truly believed was bad for you – so there would be no occasion for you to appreciate it and consume it. You would only be drawn to eating a Big Mac if you believed that your body would benefit from it, if you truly believed that there was nothing wrong with it, if you truly believed that it was good food. Owen Fox: There is of course no one right way to eat :) That said, certain foods do carry certain vibrations, so that means some are more conducive to healing as they carry more the vibrations that are harmonic to health and have certain nutritive things additionally. This also explains many things, when people do not have beliefs prior to eating something that ends up making them ill, like maybe McDonalds possibly, or else something that makes them feel very good. Sometimes, we expect things to go right, and the food is too powerful and we get sick I've noticed too. The power of certain people at certain times energy seems to be interactive with the power of the vibration of the food or physical matter. I agree with you though, our energy will hugely determine what we gravitate towards and what seems to work for us best. Blessings :)
Everything carries vibration, and you will be matched with those things that match your vibration. There is no specific good or bad vibration for a certain food. For example, a carrot grown by an ornery farmer is a different vibration than a carrot grown by a farmer who loves his farm. Which one ends in your shopping cart depends on where you are vibrationally. Everything around us is impacted by our vibration, food and animals included. In order to eat food that is unaffected by human vibrations and is pure in its vibration you would have to look for stuff that grows in the wild without any human intervention - or you would have to grow your own and consciously send it loving energy on a regular basis. At the end of the day if you pre-pave before you eat and appreciate the food before you and instruct the cells and organs of your body to keep what is best for you and get rid of the rest you will never have to worry about what you are eating because whatever you put in your personal chemical factory will be used efficiently or discarded without your conscious intervention. Just let you body do it's job and don't spend so much time thinking about the specifics - let the law of attraction take care of the specifics and match you up with food that is the best for you.
Owen Fox:
What about people like Paramhansa Yogananda and other "masters" who got pretty overweight by eating various stuff, and died young, even if they were blessing their food and had a high vibration? I reckon it's because they had mixed vibration like all of us, and ate things not best suited for the human body in too many quantities possibly. And then there's the idea that our vibration attracts us to different foods. What foods? What foods correspond with what vibrations? So if you have a "high" vibe, then you aren’t gonna pick McDonalds but WHAT would you choose? How do u find it in your own personal experience Zehra? I do agree basically on everything, but I enjoy digging deeper - there is more to uncover. Can you say honestly hand on heart, you believe you know all of this inside out crisp clearly? one last thing; I've intended to take the best of things, and I have, but simply choosing something simple like fruits that I believe IS designed powerfully for the human organisms, makes me feel better than a vegetarian curry with heaps of ingredients, and cooked too which is not how we evolved for the most part. Every other creature eats unadulterated simple raw food from nature, and nearly always fresh too. We humans think we are somewhat special. I'm saying this without judgment, hang-ups, worry or fanaticism, just rather from my own experience, and openness of vibration to any angle that might appear to be true. that has been my strong experience, and it makes sense to me. So what I'm thinking and seeing is, that many of the highest vibration people TEND to eat much if not all raw foods, but that doesn’t suddenly miraculously heal them and make them very pure in thought or overall vibration. But it helps a lot, and can help facilitate healing and raising of our vibration. I'd be curious to see what your experience has been with food, and raw foods especially too.
Hello Dear Owen, so many good questions! First of all, let’s take the subject of teachers who are overweight or have other illnesses like Dr. Wayne Dyer just had leukemia. In the example you mention above, you are talking about poor food choices based on mixed vibrations. This is true. However, I have met people who eat next to nothing and are still overweight. Being overweight is a symptom of resistance. This resistance can be caused by anything. The root cause of it usually has nothing to do with food. But once the situation has been created then poor food choices compound it – like jumping out of an air craft without a parachute. In other cases, people make their food choices in conscious contravention of their belief systems. An example of this would be someone who thinks white sugar is bad and still consumes it in their tea or coffee every day. The result of this sort of behavior is obviously not going to be good. To your second point, when in a higher vibration I can pick Mac Donalds burger perhaps because I am on a trip and it is the easiest thing to get. If I pre-paved it prior to having it, then my physical body would be able to synthesize it and it would have no negative impact on me. Chances are however, that in a high vibration I would have other options present themselves just as well and I would not need to eat at Mac Donalds. That’s how the law of attraction works – it will bring you things that match your vibration and somehow the food that you match up with vibrationally will appear – it is law. Under perfect conditions where I am on a high flying disc, I don’t have to think about what are the right foods for me to eat – all I have to do is to trust that that which is good for me will line-up with me – no thinking required. And that is what I want to say to you Owen – you are trying too hard, thinking too much. This stuff is really really simple – trust your vibration and then you only have to work on one thing: your vibration. You do not have to create rules and put foods into boxes and label them good or bad, because there is no definitive good or bad in anything. There is good and bad in everything (ying-yang), the aspect that you focus on expands and becomes the whole for you (and not for others whose vibration is different from yours). Thirdly, where do you think the idea to cook food came from? I believe, that the idea to cook food was an inspired idea that came from Source. Cooked food is another way for us to enjoy food, and establish preferences for what we like best. Animals don't cook their food, because animals were not given the power of discernment to express preferences and feel contrast to the level that humans do. Anything that is inspired by Source cannot be all bad, but of course any thing that is used beyond moderation can have a negative impact. Whereas cooking increases the range of foods we can consume and the tastes that we can enjoy - overcooking food destroys its nutritive value to some extent. Abraham says, you will never convince animals not to eat other animals. A carrot is just as living a thing as a cow. When you pull a carrot out of the ground you kill it, just as you kill a cow. Both consist of the the same energy that comes from Sources that constitutes all living and non-living things in this world. You ask me about my personal experience. I am very relaxed about food as I am about most other things. I believe that only that which is truly good for me will come to me. I eat everything. If it feels off then I stop. I manage my portions – I eat as much as I think my body needs. I go for a walk in the morning and practice yoga and meditation. I am extremely healthy. Last year I went to the doctor for a cold, and I was happy to see that I was visiting him after seven years. The only rule in my house is that everyone should get the sleep that their bodies need. Aside from that there are no rules. My children skip meals if they want to, and eat what ever they want to. They are healthy and happy, and the eat everything including soda, fries and burgers, chocolates and candy. Everyone in my household eats according to their personal preferences – I do not tell them what to eat. Sometimes each member of the family has a different meal – and that’s Ok.
Awesome about India. I love the whole idea of India, never been but have been recommended go there many times. I’m sure that part of the reason dumpster people aren’t sick is because they don’t listen to the media blowing fear into everyone, and secondly if you eat small portions, your body has endless spare energy to be healthy. Over-eating is very burdensome on the body in contrast. With that said, I'm totally knowing that lining up with what you eat is of utmost importance, especially more than just physically.
I've wanted to say this to you before but I don't think it ever came out! I have lined up with many things, including cookies which are often mentioned, and various other stuff. I have lined up with "healthier" things too and there have been different results. That is, the food itself had a powerful impact, which took place after my lining up or not. Lining up doesn’t make all things suddenly become as good for you as Abe is mentioning. And that's been shown I feel. I don't believe we can eat anything and thrive or have no negative effects as a typical human, because no typical human is in 100% alignment all of the time. They even said it as I said before, we cant drink bleach or other nasty things that aren’t meant for humans. Cooked oils etc aren’t meant for human, however I don’t dwell or make a big fuss about any of this in real life, of which this discourse may make it sound like things are a bigger deal to me than they truly actually are. We're just discussing here, and I like sharing ideas and lapping our ideas and knowledge too. So point is food and physical matter DOES have an effect and I believe that has been pretty clearly shown. The difference is HOW much, which depends on our quantity of it taken, and our alignment. Our alignment will determine not only how much we eat, but also IF we'll even eat something generally at all, and IF we line up with what we eat, then it's far better for us, and probably not gonna cause anything bad with us in the SLIGHTEST if it's not an every day type of thing, which someone in alignment wouldn’t be choosing perpetually not so great things daily. So ... if in alignment, and having the powerful desire too, which I believe is necessary, would we gravitate towards more natural foods? Generally , yes.... cause they offer highest benefits. We can line up with them too, and still take big benefits from quality foods. My opinion and observation is that raw and living foods are powerful, especially fruits, as is way to think that’s where we evolved from. the primate side of things. Frugivores. I feel SO GOOD eating a all raw food fruit based diet it's stupid! :P :D haha... You should try it if you haven’t but learn about it from balanced and in aligned raw food people, many of which are not aligned a lot but rather are stuck in great deal of resistance.
Appreciate all your perspectives by the way. Kinda agree with everything. You say I think too much but that's a belief/assumption that's not true imo. Too much?... To what effect? My becoming clearer and enjoying figuring things out which has served me endlessly in my life? I like thinking and have 24 hours a day in which I can think all i like! ha :D <3
Thank you for the conversation Zehra and your lengthy reply. Im glad you enjoy talking with with me too. Please feel welcome to keep conversing as the door is totally open. Enjoying hearing your points and insights and knowledge indeed. I think we'd be smiling and laughing even in real life talking about this, and it'd be far quicker! Food has become a relaxed thing in my life too. I enjoy it and make easy decision thanks to my partner and Abraham. I used to for many different reasons, have issues and tension/resistance around food, and limiting beliefs, but I am good now and really really thankful. I do appreciate you. Much love and if you're ever in Ireland, please gimme a shout and we can go grab a burger ! haha kiddin. Whatever we are inspired to at that moment and enjoy life together for a brief period of time. Blessings- Owen ~
Hi Owen, I think that we are saying the same thing in different ways.
1) No one has completely clean vibration all of the time,
2) What we eat depends on where we are on the emotional scale,
3) How the food we eat is dealt with by our bodies depends on where we are on the emotional scale and our beliefs surrounding that item,
4) Law of attraction applies to food in the same manner that it applies to everything else in our lives – we are matched up with things of like vibration,
5) Everything in this world is chemical in nature as it is made up of molecules of matter; some things are harmful or poisonous and should not be ingested. Only people whose vibration matches up with the vibration of these things will ingest them, so those who maintain a high vibration never need to be concerned that these things will ever enter their reality (as Abraham says, there are many things at the buffet, you pick what works for you based on your vibration),
6) If you do the vibrational work to line-up with the food you are ingesting then it doesn’t matter what you eat, your body has the capacity to derive from it what it needs to be healthy.
Thank U so much Zehra! Your article and Abraham's videos are great, as always!
Lots of Light
Hi Zehra, wonderful put together and write up. I looked thru much of it, relatively quickly (lol, since so much from our chats!) and really love and appreciate all that you did ; the energy, intention and "effort" you put forth to spread wonderfulness in the world and in the lives of other people. I esp love the synopsis at the end, the 6 points or so. :) Sending u love and joy from Ireland - Owen <3 - Peaceful namastes <3
We created this together Owen - if hadn't asked the questions, I wouldn't have got the answers. Thank you for inspiring this through me - it is really your doing. As Abraham always says "we are all in this together".
Much love and appreciation,
Thanks Zehra, great article, enjoyed it!!