It is my view that this happens according to LoA, in response to someone's "asking". I don't concern myself with the identity of the individual or individuals, as I don't perceive it to be relevant. Plus, the specifics of what I write, from our point of view, is, of course, very different than what others will read, from their point of view, which is between themselves and their own IB. So, it's truly none of my business. I've done this for as long as the internet has existed and have been an "explorer" of "how it all work" all my life.
The best way to read these pieces is as if each paragraph is a complete communication, in and of itself. Sometimes it seems like we jump around a bit, when I go back to read it, but trying to "straighten" things just makes them worse. So that's just me and my "human"perspective on "writing". I'm trying to break the habit of "editing". I've recently been discovering that specific words are used for specific reasons and that, though they appear to mean the same thing as other words that were also used, they are not "interchangeable". Of course, they aren't merely "words", but I wasn't aware that so many words reflect so many different meanings and vibrations to so many different people. It all adds to the clarity, I guess. This piece, I think, is for several different individuals. And I like to remind people that you have your very own IB with which you can explore whatever you like, whenever you like which is WAY better than waiting for a workshop, essay, book, blog post or video. The clip that started this was posted by JoyOfAlignment and the topic was the copyrighting of the Abraham material. We explored the topic, a bit, but it split off into two different directions. The direction I chose "morphed" into another, much more interesting (from my perspective) take on the always interesting and often misunderstood topic of "contrast". It is relevant to the original topic, as it is to all topics, but less detailed. Onward to the FUN stuff! You know that you can only "get" that which matches your vibration. Yet, you still view "details" as being apart from your vibration. Everything that is not, simply, "The Law of Attraction reflecting your vibration back to you", which is the broadest possible perspective and perceivable from all points, is a "detail" and all details are reflections of your various vibrations. As individuals, including individuals within groups. When you "touch" a topic on which you are "touchy" - i.e. something on which you have not "cleaned up your vibration" - when you "touch" it, you're going to get "touched" back. That is the "balance". Your energy flows in both directions, from you to the universe and from the universe's reflection of it, back to you. It is energy. It is not "specific" or "detailed", except to you. It may be a "detail" to others, but it is not an "across-the-board" detail, in the manner in which human beings view things. All manifestations are "details" and can only enter your experience with regard to whatever aspects they represent as matching the vibration you are "sending" and that is being reflected back to you. Just you. No one else. The "details" are all, already created. They are created automatically, via your experience. i.e. "contrast and launched rockets". They're there. You did that already. They have your name on them, they have the various aspects and vibrations you've assigned to them and to aspects of them, imbedded in them. They're "marked", by you, via your attention to them. For as long as you maintain a vibration's assignment to that "detail" or "aspect", then that will be the vibration it will carry, with regards to your experience, and that will be one possible detail that can be reflected back to you, when you express the corresponding vibration. And it is only one, of many. The details aren't as relevant as they appear. You don't have to "clean up your vibration" on "details" to live the life you want to live. If you have assigned a vibration to a detail or an aspect of a detail, then it belongs to you. No one else. It is your detail or aspect of a detail and can only reflect the vibration you currently have assigned to it and only to you. i.e. "it is where you last left it". This is why "how you feel" (your vibration) is more relevant to your overall experience than the details and aspects of details you've assigned them to. Your vibration, at any given moment, is taking form and being reflected back to you as the things to which you've assigned that vibration. Not just "one" thing, but ALL things to which you've assigned that vibration. And as those details are reflected back to you, according to the relevance of your experience, and you address them rather than your vibration, then the vibration you're expressing and that is being reflected back to you is being "re-sent" and strengthened. It is like stubbing your toe on a pillow, grumbling about it, then turning around and stubbing your toe on a table leg, grumbling about it and turning again to stub your toe, harder, on a concrete block. When you react to the detail, you react from and express more efficiently your vibration (which is embedded in the "detail"), which brings you more details which you react to and on and on and your experience just goes downhill from there, until something distracts you from it. Often, people will give up early and just decide to let the day bring whatever it must. When they do that, of course, the "curse" lifts and their day gets better or levels off at a bit higher vibration BUT they don't usually recognize or acknowledge the improvement in their vibration nor the reflection of it. Your vibration is everything. It is the energy you send out to the universe and the energy the universe sends back to you. Fighting the form in which the universe sends it back to you is another, more adamant expression of the same energy that brought you that form, in the first place, and which will be reflected back to you, once again, and equally as adamantly. There's only one reason something would reflect an undesirable reflection back and forth to itself, and that is because it doesn't understand that it is a reflection of itself. It is addressing the detail of the reflection rather than the source of the reflection, which is its personal self from the personal state it is in. The lack of this understanding also causes the individual to focus more intently on the details of reflections, believing that they are the source of the "trouble". And in so doing, they fail to recognize the other reflections of their vibration, or, if they do notice, they fail to see the connection. They do not see any relationship between a broken shoelace and a flat tire, except, perhaps, as "it's going to be one of those days" or that they are being "punished" or whatever. They believe they are not related, otherwise. But they are related. The common denominator is the source of the reflection. The "self". They aren't merely "connected", they are intimately intertwined. All "details" carrying the same vibration that the source of their reflection has assigned to them and is expressing, in any given moment, are intimately related by their relationship to the source and the vibration that source is offering. The details are irrelevant. It doesn't matter what you get, "balance" is accomplished, regardless. Whether one wants it or not. Energy flow is accomplished whether one likes it or not and one controls the nature and flow of their energy whether one knows it or not and whether one understands how they are doing it, or not. Your vibration is all that matters, until you understand that every experience is a reflection of it - that it is your energy - you will continue to address the details of your reflection rather than their source, which is your vibration. That is what you flow outwardly, toward the universe. And that is what the universe flows back to you, in the form of details and aspects to which you've assigned that particular vibration. Until one understands, experiences, acknowledges and appreciates what is happening, the details are merely hints, clues and road markers, showing you where you are, vibrationally. They have no more meaning than that. Until one understands that one's habit of addressing the "details" of one's reflection is creating this ping-pong effect of ever increasing intensity, one must create a habit of acknowledging them as merely "details" and practice turning one's attention to their source - to the only thing that matters - which is the vibration they are projecting onto the universe. So, rather than trying to drag some monstrosity of a problem "into the vortex", one need only consciously make the decision to leave it be and address one's vibration, instead. Whether by taking a nap, meditating or - IF one is able - by focusing on a different, unrelated detail to which one has assigned a higher vibration or even just a "not as bad" feeling and repeating that process until one reaches a higher vibration. Not all will require the same method or the same effort or the same amount of time to become accustomed to redirecting their attention from "details" to their vibration. The primary purpose is to increase awareness that all "details" are merely reflections of one's vibration. All experiences, be they incidents, things, phone calls, computer issues, other people's moods or a run in your stocking, are reflections of your vibration. If you don't have time to meditate or take a nap, simply acknowledge the "offending detail" as a reflection of your vibration, take three deep breaths (four beats in, hold four beats and four beats out - fast beats, slow beats, it doesn't matter, just breath in, deeply, and out, fully) with your attention solely on your breath rather than on the thought of shifting your vibration or making something "go away". The point is to repeatedly acknowledge and increase your awareness that all details are reflections of your vibration, to let it go so your vibration can rise AND to pat yourself on the back for acknowledging "details", as reflections of your vibration, and to smile at that acknowledgement, recognizing it as the very first detail to reflect your intentionally created higher vibration. After a couple of hours or days or whatever, small things may seem to bother you. Those will be things that were already bothering you but that you weren't acknowledging. Your higher vibration will simply make you aware that you'd pushed them aside, labeling them "unimportant". Address your vibration in the same way, even if you think it's "ridiculous" to be bothered by such small things. In fact... It is very important to address small things because you think they are small or that being bothered by them is "ridiculous". Why? Because humans are especially prone to "brushing off" and "ignoring" small details which is the exact opposite of acknowledging them as a reflection of your own vibration and addressing that vibration. If it bothers you, at all, it is the most important thing to you, in that moment, as a representation of your vibration. Give yourself a HUGE pat on the back for noticing that you are a "tiny" bit bothered by a "tiny" detail and for taking it seriously enough to address the vibration it reflects as if "what happens next" depends on it. Because it does. More morphing... To say "I was be-bopping along, happy as a clam, and WHAM! I got smacked!" is to say that the laws of the universe are "broken". It cannot be. You cannot get "smacked" when you are offering a high vibration. It is not possible. All that has happened is that you were not aware of your vibration. Think about what that means. Doesn't a glitch in your vibration sound much softer and easier to deal with than a universe that can't be trusted or the effort and time it would take to hammer something out, on your own? One common misinterpretation of "happy as a clam" is the exhilaration of rage and vengeance and anger from the perspective of moving UP the scale. As in the feeling of "winning" or that you have "won". Both of which are the vibration of "competition" for which there is no corresponding vibration, "in the vortex". There is no competition in the vortex. There are no "losers" against which to "win". The expression of "winning" is an expression of "vengeance". Are all "games" expressions of a desire for vengeance? No. But all desires to "win" are. All expressions of "winning" are. Whether one seeks to conquer oneself, another or a system - it doesn't matter. What matters is that there's nothing "there" to conquer, except your own reflection. When you "win", the only "loser" there is, is you. It's your own reflection you're conquering. It's all you have access to. It's the only available opponent, the only available victim, the only available everything. It's you. The same is true of "helping". there is no one in the vortex who needs "help". There is no "need" in the vortex, at all. There is no "approval" because there is no instance or even possibility of disapproval. There is no "impressing" anyone, no "convincing", no "earning", no "learning", no "cliques", no "comforting", no "honesty", no "trust", no "security", no "fixing", no "surviving". There are none of those things because their counterparts do not exist, "in the vortex". They only exist as reflections of the experience of their perceived absences. There is no "winning", in the vortex. You cannot "win" at the Law of Attraction.. Many "desires", as defined by people, are simply desires for something that is "better" than what they have. Winning is better than being a "loser". Comfort is better than "discomfort". Convincing is better than being perceived as "wrong". Helping is better than perceiving "helplessness". Control is better than "powerlessness". Earning is better than "not deserving". Cliques or "us" is better than "them". Fixed is better than "broken". And so on and so forth. Such things are not in the vortex. What man often perceives as "opposite" is not necessarily "in the vortex". Power is only "relevant" to the vibrations of powerlessness and vengence. The opposite of "powerlessness" is its irrelevance. Its complete and utter absence. No sight of it, anywhere. No "powerlessness" and no "power". The desire for "power" exists, only, in the vibration of powerlessness and the feeling of "power", in vengeance. Why else would it be relevant? For one who does not feel "powerless", "power" is meaningless. For one who does not experience insecurity, security is meaningless. Such things are not "in the vortex". There is no Joy in them. What is perceived as "joy", in "vengeance", is the move from a feeling of powerlessness to a temporary sense of "power". Joy is not "power". It is a tremendous vibration, felt by all, but it is not "powerful". It does not assert itself. It does not "overcome". It attracts. Words like "power" and "force" are often used in speaking of the Law of Attraction. Those are the best words "translators" can find. But they are not accurate. There are no corresponding words. Even words like Joy, Love and Appreciation are "off the mark". "God" is off the mark. The closest English word is "fun". Just "fun". There are varying degrees of "fun", but all aspects and details, inside the vortex, are fun. Outside the vortex is the absence of "fun". Inside the vortex is all "fun". Humans are very judgmental about "fun". It might actually be easier to unravel man's strange ideas about "fun" than to try to define "inside the vortex" feelings. We shall explore that. And it shall be très fun! Carried on a bit, in our exploration, with regard to the two directions our dialogue took. I could see the direction of the specifics of the copyright stuff, but it was quite personal, with regards to Esther, and I don't enjoy stuff like that. Fortunately, I don't have to do things I don't enjoy! But what I DO enjoy is exploring things like why the conversation split, like that. Why did the two options appear and why did I automatically choose the option I chose. Which is obvious. I was ITV, the video I was commenting on was quite specific, the "answer" was equally specific but of no interest to me so the universe had no choice but to give me what I wanted, in that moment, was another direction. And, being in the vortex, I took it, because that's how it works, in the vortex. At the time, it was "no big deal". That's what "in the vortex" means. You get what you want, when you want it. I have no interest in Esther's personal stuff but had the intention of responding, so, something that does interest me appeared. But what was the connection? I explained it to myself in all kinds of ways. None of them satisfactory. I was trying to give it a "purpose". The conversation was there, I could see it. I know what it was. I didn't write it, but I could, if I wanted to. So, I tried to make it something that was not meant for publication. Something that was for someone specific, and who would appear when the time was right. But that's isn't "law". That can't be what happened. It had to be a reflection of my own vibration. That's how it works. So what was it? It was the answer to something I'd wondered about, previously, but from a perspective of confusion. Which is, as everyone knows, outside the vortex as opposed to inside the vortex where the answers are. The point we were "nailing down" was that the details, issues, topics and subjects are irrelevant. It simply does not matter. If you are enjoying the experience you are having, in the moment, then it is a reflection of your vibration. If you aren't, then it is a reflection of your vibration. The answer to every question that includes details is "your vibration". The details are irrelevant. The conversation I didn't write was the narrow, detailed version. The conversation I DID write, was the broader, more general version. But the broad view encompasses everything, so it was every bit as "detailed" as any other conversation. Because it encompasses ALL details. Every single one. Every little thing. It is, in a sense, more detailed than any conversation about any detail can possibly be. The answer to every question is "your vibration". Asking about details is like demanding pizza at a barber shop. The answer is always and only ever, "your vibration". There's no getting around it. No other question is relevant. No other question makes sense. All questions are, simply, "Why?" and all answers are, simply, "Your vibration.". Nothing else matters. Not Esther's vibration. Not the emotional scale. Nothing. Just your vibration. Everything is about getting the point across that nothing matters but your vibration. That is Abraham's only intention. Every "answer", every "non-answer", every block of thought they send is about that. It is their only intention. Questions about irrelevant details mean nothing to them. They have no meaning other than a place to start in their intention of getting you to understand that nothing matters but your vibration. They answer according to where the asker is focused. Their only intention is to get the asker to stop looking at the detail and look at their vibration, without the asker digging in their heels. Everything you want is in your vibration. Everything you don't want is in your vibration. Everything everyone else wants is in their vibration and none of your business. Literally. Because the idea that it is your business is in your vibration. In the vortex, you would know. Not because it's your "business" but because in the vortex is where "knowing" lives. There is no "not knowing" in the vortex. There is "not relevant" to the interests and intentions of an individual perspective, but there is no "not knowing". No detail of what is said to or asked of Abraham is relevant, except as a jumping off place for their attempts to soothe someone so they can, at the very least, move closer to the vortex. "Details" are irrelevant. All that matters, while you are here - in an environment that operates, primarily, outside the vortex - is getting in the vortex. All that matters is your vibration. All that matters is how you feel. Period. Listen to what they say, with the understanding that all they care about is doing what they agreed to do which is assist in getting you IN the vortex while you are IN a physical body. That's it. That's home. They're trying to do what you wanted to do when you came here which is to feel at "home", in a physical body. To experience "home" while perceiving, playing, creating and experiencing from a physical perspective. It isn't forever. It isn't a "purpose". It isn't an obligation. This is you, out on the town, for a spot of fun. This is you, knowing you can make an electric light that is useful because you know there is something that will burn, continuously, for a long enough period of time to be useful, before burning itself out. This is you, experiencing all of the "failure" you can because you know that every single "failure" is increasing, expanding and exponentially adding to the thrill you will experience in your success, when it comes. In the success that always comes. This is you, repeatedly attempting the trek up Everest, for no other reason than that you know you can do it and want to experience all of the "not-doing-it" you can, without giving up, because you know it will make the experience that much more awesome. No one is in danger. No one dies. You're here for one reason: You are here for the thrill of it. Every individual chooses their own thrill. Every individual has chosen their own experience, according to their own interest. It is a co-creation. If one seeks to come for a specific experience that requires a specific interaction, then one who seeks a different experience, from another point of view, steps up and they go play. There are no bonds. No issues of "loyalty". No obligations. No individual is beholden to any other. Whatever it takes to create the experience, including other individuals with other interests that take them down other paths and with which one may only need to rendezvous for a matter of seconds, then it is done. It is simply done. The one who seeks such an interaction is attracted to and by the individual who seeks whatever experience is necessary to make his own experience happen. You will get what you came for. It is guaranteed. If not while perceiving from a physical perspective, then as you leave it. None of this matters. Those who are seeking to experience their thrill from a physical perspective are the ones who recognize Abraham and understand their call in the answer: "Your vibration.". You cannot judge those who don't understand. You cannot say 'this one is not where he needs to be". Each has chosen his or her own experience and not all of them have chosen to experience understanding from a physical perspective. Some are still building their momentum. Some are still adding to and expanding the thrill of their success, when it comes. They are not confined to this lifetime. They are not confined to "ignorance". They are not confined in any way. Your vibration is the only vibration that matters. It is the only vibration that has ever mattered. Your vibration. Your experience. Nothing else. No one else. Just you. Just your vibration. And the "yous" we're talking to know who you are. And the "yous" we're not talking to will thrill at the fantastic expansion you've achieved in the lack of understanding you have chosen. Nobody loses, nobody dies. Ever.
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