![]() My daughter hadn’t been feeling well the past few weeks. She was coming to the end of her undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto, and our joint opinion was that she was just exhausted because of the volume of work combined with her executive duties as the president of her student body – busy organising year end events and conferences. One evening after I spoke to her over the phone, I had the sudden impulse to go and visit her in Toronto. In the three years that she has lived downtown Toronto, I have never done that, but I’ve learnt to pay attention to my impulses and go with the flow. So even though I had lots piled up to do in terms of responding to the emails that I receive on a daily basis from people who have questions about the law of attraction, posting my daily videos on my YouTube channel and writing the Word of the day rampage, after a full day of work at the bank, I still decided that I would go to Toronto. I am so glad that I did. It’s always good to listen to your guidance. The way to do that is to ask yourself which thought feels better? I asked myself, “does it feel better to go and check in on Kinza or does it feel better to take care of my work?” the answer was, “go and check on Kinza”. So I went. When I got there, I took one look at my daughter and I knew that there was something wrong. I brought her home – that was Thursday. She thought that all she needed was some rest. And because I believe in letting my children follow their own guidance, I let her rest for a day. I didn’t think she looked any better on Friday night when I got back from work, so I asked her if she thought it was time to see a doctor. She agreed. I appreciated that she was going because I felt that she had made that jump out of the aircraft without a parachute and she needed a doctor to help her find a soft place to land. Because I was working full day on Saturday I requested my sister-in-law to take her to the doctor. I appreciated the fact that I had my sister-in-law to count on. She went to the doctor and was diagnosed with an infection, given antibiotics and sent home. Fourth day of antibiotics, she said she felt a little better. But something didn’t sit right with me. I had something inside me telling me I should take her to the Hospital – so I left work early, and went home. I already knew that I would be taking the next two days off and made the proper arrangements to accommodate that. I was just listening to my guidance. It was the best thing I could have done. The emergency staff couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her, but they knew it was more than just a kidney infection. We had a battery of tests done over a couple of hours. The one thing that the hospital staff was having trouble with was getting a blood sample and getting an IV inserted. I kept appreciating how timely it was that I had brought Kinza to the hospital and I was truly appreciative of the organised manner in which the medical staff were investigating things. Every time I felt worry pinch at me, I shifted my attention to something else. Mostly, towards appreciating how clean the hospital was, how friendly everyone was, how organised everything was. I kept saying to myself “they’ll figure it out”. When I had difficulty shifting my focus I started repeating a prayer that my mother used to recite – it is a way of doing a wakeful active meditation – the prayer becomes a thought anchor. I have no doubt in my mind that this was the reason for the way we were being treated by the hospital staff. They were gentle and kind and went out of their way to make us comfortable. Many nurses and lab techs tried to extract the samples they needed – they gave us hugs, some of them held my hand. I appreciated them even more. Kinza was shifted from emergency to acute care by nightfall, and I appreciated that I could be with her, and I appreciated that my son could look after himself after school and I appreciated that I could lean on my sister-in-law to bring him home with her. I had an interesting experience in acute care. The nurses attending to us were amazing, they were funny and full of life, and did everything to make us comfortable. These same nurses had an altercation with the people in the pod next to ours. It was interesting to me that the same nurses could yield so differently. I was overhearing the conversation taking place next door. The people there were loud, and their focus was completely on things never working properly, on the hospital being a horrible place, and things always taking too long, and never getting the right sort of care. The nurse pointed out to them that there were stepping outside the rules in some manner. This sent the lady next door into a hissy fit. This woman became aggressive and created a huge scene and requested to see a supervisor. The supervisor came and calmed things down. When our nurse returned to check on Kinza, her eyes were swollen from crying. So I gave her a hug and told her not to be up-set because she didn’t have to absorb the other woman’s opinion and criticism – it wasn’t who she really was. This perked her right back. Then I said a few things to appreciate the hospital in general and shift her focus, and her natural smile returned to her beautiful face. After a few minutes she returned with a brilliant idea about how to get a blood sample from Kinza, and I thought – how easy it is for people to allow their true genius from a place of alignment. Next, she proceeded to get an IV into Kinza’s arm – something all the nurses had had a shot at over at least six hours without success. Of course, this just made me appreciate her and the hospital all the more. Her ingenuity resulted in Kinza being diagnosed properly so that her treatment could be started. Isn’t it wonderful? Just a few words that you give someone can lift their spirits so much, and isn’t it wonderful then that it gets reflected back to you in what they give you in return? By this time, it was early morning. Kinza was being shifted to critical care. The protocol for this transfer did not involve our nurse accompanying us all the way to critical care to make sure that Kinza was being looked after properly – but she did. And when she saw me look away as various tubes and machines were being attached to my little girl she came and gave me a big hug saying “payback time”. One of the doctors told her, “no need for you, we can look after this”, and she said “this is my girl, and I’m not leaving her just yet”. Wow! I thought, aren’t people amazing. The care Kinza got in the hands of these people was amazing. By the next day she was doing well and responding to treatment. I usually don’t pick up calls when they come from a blocked number, but for some reason, I picked up this particular call. Guess what? The voice at the other end said “this is the doctor who was looking after your daughter in emerg yesterday, I just wanted to find out how she’s doing?” For a moment I was totally taken aback. Then I responded telling him that all was well. The love and appreciation that came from my heart in that moment was a beautiful feeling. When have you ever heard of doctors doing that? I told the nurse how astounded I was by the care we were getting, and how the doctor had called, and she said “I’ve never heard of such a thing in 25 years of working here.” And I thought to myself, that’s just how everyone is with me – it’s my norm, it’s how I roll and isn’t it wonderful. The first night I stayed in the CCU with Kinza, I spend the night on a chair, and the nurses found me a second chair so I could put my feet up. The second night I bought my yoga mat and blanket and slept on the floor, the third night, the nurses conspired to find me a recliner! How amazing! The more I appreciate the more I have to love and appreciate. Kinza was shifted again as she improved to a unit within critical care that isn’t quite as intense, and all her tubes and equipment have been removed. She had visitors – the nurses and doctors we met in our journey, have been dropping in to see her or have been stopping me in the aisles to ask how she is doing – we are blown over by the level of care we have received. You must be wondering about Kinza – right? Well, there is really no need for explanations and there is no need for me to go past negative and now negative by telling you what was wrong. Because the image of her that I want all of you to give your power of focus to is the one of her in this picture – happy, beautiful and full of life – that is the only way you can truly help. If you focus on her illness you make that bigger and if you focus on her wellness then you make that bigger. So let’s all focus on wellness. What I will tell you is that Kinza is still in critical care, and she is doing very well – she is responding extremely well to treatment. That’s now positive (in terms of the six thinking choices discussed in the ground breaking work on the law of attraction: THRIVE). If I tell you all about Kinza’s health problem, then I am getting you to create that as a weak spot for yourself, I am also making the problem bigger for Kinza, and for the world – that is the opposite of what I want. If you truly want to use the law of attraction to benefit others then see them the way they want to be and give all your power to that vision of them.
I will also tell you that this episode has resulted in resolving a long standing health limitation that Kinza has lived with for a very long time – so really it has been a blessing in disguise, or the path of least resistance towards the solution that we have been asking for and have now been able to realize. We were unable to allow this solution to come to us because we had beliefs that kept it from coming. However, God still found a way to lead us there. We are forever appreciative of how this has all come together and we are excited about the possibilities that the future opens up for Kinza and as a result for all of us as a family – future positive. Appreciating the contrast, being at peace with the now, and looking towards the future with positive anticipation is how you create a reality that is full of joy. There are only six thinking choices, and when we start using our decision making faculty to choose how we want to think and feel, life becomes wonderful in many ways. So for the next little while, the word of the day will be posted as and when I can get to it – but it’s not important because appreciation is a part of the way I have taught myself to think all my thoughts, and you can do that too. Appreciation is truly a way of life. Much love and appreciation, Zehra
Chris Tanner
4/11/2016 12:59:24 am
Living by appreciation- wow!
4/11/2016 01:15:37 am
Thank you for sharing this personal story, Zehra. It is a powerful testimony to the way Law of Attraction plays such an important role in what we experience in our lives. Our positive thoughts are with you and Kinza as she continues to allow her good health to prevail.
4/11/2016 02:59:39 am
I think that you are a wonderful mother (with beautiful children)!
jack raves
4/11/2016 03:22:55 am
thank you for this LOVE STORY, in avoiding the negative sides and let the positivity play MAIN "music", i am really touched. wish your daughter and yourself all the best! ❤️
4/11/2016 03:37:46 am
leading by example is the most powerful teaching and I very much appreciate all your teachings! Thank you so much for sharing Zehra, I am sending a big hug ❤️ to you and Kinza! All is well!
Thank you for sharing your story. Like you, I've witnessed first hand how people can spoil the way their life goes by being out of alignment. I will think of Kinza coming back into good health. A special hug to you as a very special mother. Love to you both. XXXX
4/11/2016 04:26:05 am
Amazing ..
4/11/2016 04:39:33 am
Thank you for sharing. A true example of the power of positive thinking.
Andria UK
4/11/2016 04:41:45 am
Thank you so much for sharing with us. Today I sit here with a kidney infection, listening to my body whisper - take a rest, stop and put your feet up. This I'm doing and as always your post found me when I needed the information. So if my body starts yelling to do more, I will go to the doctor. Thank you. Now I can shift my attention to you and your daughter being back home and well. Very soon. With love
5/12/2016 09:39:21 am
Hi, I had the impulse to share with u that I have recently eaten 3 to 5 cloves of garlic on a full stomaches fo r about a week to rid myself of a uti that turned into a kidney infection. Hope that info helps in some way.😊
4/11/2016 07:00:23 am
Thanks for sharing--truly inspirational; a great example of trained focus. My thoughts, prayers and vision go out to you guys.
4/11/2016 07:53:34 am
Thank you Zehra for sharing,
4/11/2016 09:27:38 am
This reminds me of a story I just read regarding the life of a lobster, and how it repeatedly grows beyond its shell only to grow another new shell. Each time a somewhat uncomfortable place leading to a new better place. Not to judge the process but to KNOW it is heading for a grander, even more delightful place ❤️ All is very well here 😘
4/11/2016 09:52:09 am
Thank you for sharing your experience and positive knowledge. I love your beautiful pictures and seeing your daughter well. Your beautiful post came to me as I was pondering why there is so much cruelty in the world. Thank you for reminding me, it's where our focus is. What we see in the world, is what we focus on. Gotta stay away from the news and negative people.
4/11/2016 11:38:06 am
Dear Zehra,
Pauline Broughton
4/11/2016 11:44:14 am
Thank you for taking the time to share your story. I'm following similar compelling feelings that I'm starting to trust. We need stories like yours to learn to recognize the prompts or signs on our path. Proof we are never alone!
Nancy Cardoza
4/11/2016 11:50:25 am
What a beautiful way to respond to such a delicate beauty. Your daughter is in the right hands, a loving mother with so much wisdom
4/11/2016 02:42:37 pm
Thank you so much for sharing this story; your daughter will definitely make a very good recovery! My father had a day surgery recently and I was racked with nerves; but then as you had mentioned I started appreciating things around me like the parking spot we got, the level of care my father was provided (he always had a bunch of nurses hovering around him who were super friendly and nice!), how my husband didn't have to work until later that night so he was available to help me pick up my dad, etc. It really helped me to shift my perspective from worry to peace. I so appreciated you sharing your experience of how you were able to generate a peaceful approach to an otherwise challenging situation. Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures of her - I picture her back to her gorgeous strong self, fully healed and energized even better than before :) much love and light to you both,
Brenda Dru
4/11/2016 04:34:04 pm
Sending positive healing thoughts to Kinza and you to Zehra. Great attitude, we must always believe in a positive outcome.
4/12/2016 04:57:12 am
Thanks a lot Z for sharing your story.
Sarah Kiaer
4/12/2016 05:24:31 am
Hi Zhera - thanks so much for sharing this experience, so beautifully put, really pleased for your daughter and your famly. I've experienced something similar at the hospital. I realised that my attitude to hospitals had changed after being more aware of LOA when I came in for an emergency operation recently. Everybody, from canteen staff to nurse to surgeon were working with us 100% and more, and I noticed that I was expecting the best outcome in all the different situations that we encountered, ie that it had become my default vibration. It was so amazing, as I haven't been to the hospital for years. All the best Sarah - ps your youtube channel is great, thanks for sharing :-)
4/12/2016 06:53:45 am
You never cease to amaze me! Your energy is infectious, I have witnessed it myself. I have also felt the same energy from Kenza and hope that I too and strive to emit it someday! Thank you for sharing such a personal part of your life.
Carol Jean
4/12/2016 07:23:03 am
Thank you, Zehra! I send much love to you and your beautiful family. This article gives me comfort because I can refer to it again and again. Your example of living LOA is priceless and I appreciate the internet for giving me a way of connecting with someone so far away (in physical distance only, of course). Much love and thanks.
4/12/2016 08:45:11 pm
Thank you Zehra. This is the BEST illustration of the law of attraction that I have ever seen or read about!
4/15/2016 12:35:43 pm
Zehra, you are such an inspiration. I'm so moved by your words. It's so wonderful to see that it is possible to stay in appreciation no matter what the situation. I'm in awe. The picture of Kinza is beautiful. Her inner being is shining through the image. I'm keeping it in my mind and sending you both lots of love.
4/18/2016 06:57:19 pm
Well done - you are amazing.
4/27/2016 10:13:56 am
Hi Zehra
5/1/2016 06:28:01 pm
Thank you, Zhera for sharing such an authentic, inspiring way to deal with the only the best & positive aspects of any situation in life. You're an amazing teacher & a wonderful mother. I too, hold the vision of your daughter's abundant health, well being, love and light!
5/13/2016 10:11:45 pm
I'm so happy for you and Kinza!
6/21/2016 05:31:51 pm
So inspiring! Thank you for sharing.
7/6/2016 09:30:41 am
Trusting the Law with one's children is probably THE most difficult "hump' to get over. Society is adamant. It screams, "Protect your children!!" but such concerns create a whirlwind of things to be concerned ABOUT because if concern is what you choose - the law MUST provide things to concern you. Period. So much so that one is afraid to remove one's attention from one's concerns which brings more concerns which reinforces the fear and belief that the Law can't be trusted with one's children.
Sumbal Tasawwar
2/6/2018 03:16:37 pm
Hi Zehra,
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